Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sleep, I need sleep

I need to sleep. I don’t know why, but I just can’t sleep through the damn night. No matter what I do, I wake up around 3ish or so. I pass out by 9-9:30pm and going to bed earlier won’t work, as that doesn’t leave me enough time to do anything. I fall asleep easily as I’m exhausted because I didn’t get enough sleep the night before. It’s a vicious circle.
I don’t eat after 7 or 8 pm depending on the night. No drinking of any kind either, lest I have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. I only really sleep in my bed with maybe a little reading and TV watching, which usually puts me to sleep. I sleep with a mask and earplugs. My bed is comfy and warm. I exercise daily. I eat a relatively balanced diet. I’m not sure what else I should be doing. Oh and warm milk is just out as that will just make my stomach do more flip-flops. Lactose intolerance and all.
I really don’t want to take meds for this as I took them before and I hated it. Plus it didn’t stop the waking up in the middle of the night completely. I still got up and peed when I had to, and let me tell you, that was not a fun thing. Body feels like lead when you do that. I’m just frustrated. By 3:30 pm I’m crashing hard. I come home and want to nap. I struggle to stay awake past 8 sometimes but if I want even a semblance of a life with the Boy I need to. This is so frustrating. It got better for a bit but now I’m back to the fun of 3am waking.
Someday I’ll get the sleep I need. It’s not doing me any good not to though. I’d love to be even able to nap but 1) there’s this work thing that prevents me from doing so and 2) I can’t sleep during the day for some reason. Even when I’m sick I have issues with it. Weird I know.
Damn Gabby didn’t help with the sleep last night. The bedroom smelled stale as we have no screens on our windows yet so we don’t open them. I sprayed some Febreeze to make it a bit better. Well it smelled ok but it must have triggered something in Gabby, because no sooner had I gotten into bed than, boom, kitten pee in between my legs. (Seriously, that’s her spot to snuggle anyway.) Urgh. I did spray around the litterbox so it had to have something to do with that. Plus I used it the times she peed before. She avoided me and the bed for the rest of the night. Thank goodness for Nature’s Miracle. That stuff does work. But sigh. The sheets needed to be washed anyway but I wasn’t planning on doing them at night.

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