Sunday, November 05, 2006


That describes my day yesterday and why I forgot to post. The tire on my car is flat- so flat that it's off the rim. Have no idea why. It wasn't low or anything before. Sigh. Couldn't do anything because boy was at work and he said he'd fix it. So everything I had to do yesterday was put on hold. I did get some stuff done but ugh.
Then I decided to put new music on my Mp3 player. That did not go well. I need to reinstall the drivers on the player but I can't find the CD it came with. It's here but I don't know where and we don't have lightbulbs in the rooms that I need to search in. (Also the boy's fault as he took the bulbs out for something else a month ago and has yet to replace them. It's his thing and I'm not doing his work for him. ) So fun fun fun.
And then I passed out around 8 because we had gone to bed at 5am and the cats did their wake up call around 8 or so. They waited a bit longer than usual. Sigh.

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