Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bit of a Rant

This morning: woken up by boy’s alarm even though he and it were downstairs. I know he came to bed at some point but I didn’t hear the first alarm go off while in the room. I only heard it from the living room. Go figure. About 2 seconds after my alarm went off, the wake up crew bounded upstairs to make sure that I was getting up soon. They were both meowing, which is unusual. Gabby was in my face and Punk was at the side of the bed, on the floor, and both were meowing. What a way to wake up.

Cooking has been sort of boring lately. Monday was veal (yeah I know but it’s good) with pasta and a wine sauce of sorts. Not bad but I can do better. Yesterday was chicken quesadillas made with the leftover chicken from the roast I made last week. Tonight is Brats and potatoes. Tomorrow I think tacos or something easy. I’m just not in the mood to cook and take out is on hold this week until we figure out the budget thing. This whole mortgage thing has blown our budgeting and we’re still working everything out. If we didn’t have to have a month’s payment ahead of time, we’d be signed up for biweekly.

As soon as we figure out the car thing, that’s next. The Boy wants a project truck. I just want a truck that we don’t have to throw money at all the time. (We’re getting a truck because we need one to haul all of the plants) Boy wants something to work on. I want something that runs and won’t need all sorts of expensive parts to fix. Boy doesn’t seem to care. He’s drooling. I think a hit over the head with the reality frying pan is in order. I found a really good used truck for sale yesterday, in excellent condition, with lots of new parts and for a very reasonable price. But it’s not a project truck so the boy was like meh. I know it’s going to be his truck to drive and all but still. We can’t be just hemorrhaging money to keep fixing the thing. We do that already for the damn car I drive. I want that to change. I’d like to save money for once, instead of having to wipe out whatever we saved to fix something again. But of course that hasn’t gotten through to him as all he can see is the fun of fixing up a vehicle. It’s the driveway syndrome. We have a driveway so he must do car stuff in it.

Why do all the good sales have to happen when I’m broke?? Arghhh.

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