Monday, May 01, 2006

Notes and Things

Happy Birthday Eeyore! Poor Eeyore. He never had a birthday, was never celebrated or respected, and was just plain down in the dumps. Then a UT student/professor (sources say one or the other) came along and changed that. He decided that Eeyore needed a birthday celebration. (And an excuse for a big spring party.) And thus Eeyore’s birthday was born. It has now blossomed into a huge celebration of childhood and fun. It’s pretty much the ultimate yearly hippie party that is also family friendly. A gigantic drum circle- anyone with a drum can join. Beer. T-shirts. Kids. The Eeyore of Liberty. Costume contests. Hula hoops. Swings. School buses as shuttle buses. Food. Bands. Dancing. The overwhelming scent of patchouli and the other scent that usually accompanies the wearers. People just having fun. I encourage people to check out this celebration at least once. It’s just a fun day.
The boy’s grandma is in town. Oh joy. We cleaned for hours yesterday. Not like we didn’t need to clean and all, but if she comes by, the place needs to be spotless as she’s very particular. Last night she wanted to go out to dinner so we drove out to the country to placate her. (boy’s parents house that his brother lives in while parents are on job site in SC.) Where did we go for dinner? Outback. There’s an Outback 2 minutes from where we live. Frustrating but it’s grandma and she’s not in town a lot, so you give in.
Kitten update: She got into her first fight on Sunday. She won. We had gone around the corner to have breakfast with friends. Good food. When we came home, the boy called the cat to make sure she’s ok. She heard him and tried to come running. Then problem. She was in our neighbor’s yard, sitting under the tree. Our neighbor has dogs but they’re usually not in that part of the yard but Sunday they were and our neighbor was out with them. So the cat tried to run home and was climbing the fence when chomp! One of the dogs got her tail. This led to lots of barking and the claws on the cat coming out. She got the dog on his nose and good. She had hair in her claws. She managed to get up over the fence and then just sat in the tree, extremely frightened. The boy had to tear her out of the tree.
She wasn’t hurt really, just shaken and covered in rank dog slobber. We brought her inside and she immediately went to her comfort window. The neighbor’s dog is ok too and our neighbor is ok with everything. He has two cats and knows that this happens. He was actually surprised that the dog went after her, as it’s around cats all the time. We just figured it was a stranger kitty so the dog didn’t know. Either way, glad everything worked out.
Our friend’s half-sister, who is staying with them for a bit, (oy that’s a situation) brought home a tiny, tiny kitten the other night. It was found in a bag in a dumpster with its siblings. This thing couldn’t have been more than 2-3 weeks old. It was so small and helpless. My heart melted. I should never have held it. It was flea-infested already and needed so much care. She couldn’t keep it- there’s enough to deal with in that house already. We said we’d take it, no problem. (Our Pumpkin is a rescued stray too.) But she gave it to a friend of hers. I’m concerned, as this little one needs such special care. I hope it’s ok. It’s killing me to know that it might not get the chance it deserves. I should never have held it.

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