Saturday, May 06, 2006

I Love PBS on a Saturday Night!

So I'm home alone on a Saturday night and I'm ok with it. Actually, I really like it. It's Chinese food and wine night- a bottle of wine mostly because the cork broke and well, I have to drink the whole thing now. Yeah. Plus I bought a bunch of books that I want to read too. I am such a nerd. Watching Brit-coms on PBS and stuff on the Food Network and reading. And I like it.
The boy is out at the country house aka his parents house which they don't actually live at. (long story.) he had to go get a chainsaw there so whatever. He's just watching tv there anyway. It's in the middle of nowhere- nothing to do. I should know- we lived there for almost a year. Not terrible but not really me.

My bedroom ceiling was leaking. We've had some nasty nasty storms lately and lots of rain. Last night I woke up during the 3am storms and heard some dripping. I got up to investigate and noticed that my robe was wet and then noticed that I was wet. Lovely. I dumped my shoes out of their bin and used it to catch the water. It wasn't much- just a slow steady drip but enough to be a pain in the ass. Of course I called my landlord immediately. He's actually pretty good about things like that. We're his normal tenants who only call in emergencies and for stuff that actually needs doing. I had called him Friday actually, because we were having problems with our locks and a fence had been knocked down during a storm. I hated calling him again about the leak but what can you do? Anyway, he came as soon as he could and put a tarp up. Turns out the drainage on the roof sucks and there was a puddle of water over where the leak was. He got rid of the water and covered the area with a tarp. Once it really dries he's going to seal it up so it doesn't leak again. Funny thing was that it happened 2 weeks ago and I had no clue. I just woke up one morning and my robe was soaked. No idea why then. Now I know.

So we now have a laptop. It's weird. Someone left it at the restaurant. It's been over 2 weeks and no one has bothered to claim it. Nothing. Nada. Nothing reported to the police as missing. So it's to be claimed and since the boy saw it first- it's ours. There's no way id the owner easily either. I looked. It's a Sony VAIO with some awesome programs and wireless capability. The guy who owned it was a web page designer of sorts and has all this cool software on it. It's fantastic. Seems like the guy was an old Austin hippie from his writings and all. Mad as hell about the walmertization of Austin and all. Whatever. Anyway, we have a laptop now. It's weird that it was someone else's, but if no one has claimed it yet or reported it gone, fair game. That's restaurant life. Of course if someone does claim it, we'll give it back. But it's ours now.

The cat is so funny. She has run ins with a neighbor cat- the orange and white one. But she doesn't really so anything. They stalk each other from a distance. Plus the other cat roams much further than my little one is willing to do. Once the other cat moves out of her comfort zone, Pumpkin comes running home. So cute.

Ricky Gervais is brill. Absolutely brill.

1 comment:

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

I tend to spend every saturday night alone. I did go out on a date last night, though.