Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Le Ring

Ok, so I picked out the ring I want. It’s simple and really just what I want. Plus the price is so very right. The only problem is getting the boy to actually go buy it. It’s not like we haven’t talked about it or don’t plan on getting married, it’s just that we haven’t gotten around to it. But I want to get around to it. Even if we just set a date.
We’ve been together for over 5 years now, and lived together for 2.5 of them. I think we know each other well enough to be able to deal with each other for the long haul. (Heck, it took years to convince his family that we weren’t already married.) We even have a cat. (I know not a guarantee but a step.) Anyway, we know it’s going to happen. Or at least I think it’s going to happen.
One of our friends told me the other night that I should just do it. I should just go and buy the ring and say, look, here it is, this is the date everything is happening, ask me officially. That’s what his wife did. Well, she told him they were getting married and they went and picked out the ring together. The boys are a lot alike so this might work. On the other hand, I want him to do it. I want him to finally make a freakin’ decision and do it.
Yeah it’s not a James Avery silver ring. So what? We haven’t been able to find a ring like that. This is the next best alternative and well, it’s what I want.
I just want to get married before we buy a house. Which is in the cards for the rather near-future.
I just want it to happen, y’know?


Anonymous said...

ooh pretty ring! good luck with the engagement thing

MLE said...

Very pretty!

And I know exactly how you feel. Though for us the timing is kind of dependent on $$. And Hulk has decided that he gets to pick out my ring, since he's the one who will be buying it. Yes, I have told him my preferences, but I'm kind of excited to get a surprise.

Yank In Texas said...

Most of it is dependent on the $$ but it's not hard. The boy just won't listen to the fact that silver isn't going to work. (We can't find one and the jewelers don't want to. He likes this one jewelry store and they told him no, they don't do sapphires on silve.) I would have gotten it for Christmas if it weren't for that. I want the surprise but oy...

MLE said...

Silver is too soft. I can't imagine any good jeweler putting a valuable stone into silver.