Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Random Note

I am launching a food blog. It should go off next week, hopefully. I'm posting it in conjunction with Backpatters so feel free to go to that site to check other stuff out.
One of the days will be about the basics and answering questions about how to do stuff and the little stuff like what does t and T mean?
So if anyone has any suggestions and all that, please let me know.

Also, I'm still new to this whole thing so I'll be changing settings frequently. As soon as I get around to studying things, I'm going to add links to other bloggers (monkey and mle I'm looking at you, if that's ok.) So bear with me through the contruction project.

Plus I really shouldn't be doing this at work. Hee.


Monkey McWearingChaps said...

You should post links to temperature and measurements converters. Handy-dandy. International cooks will love you for it. A big problem I see with cooking/recipe blogs is that you'll get people from Europe confused about the measurements. I'm sure there are some you could google up and add to your sidebar for "Hey! Check it owt you freedom hating frogs!"

My only other suggestion is that you post both some Yankee recipes as well as some quintissentially Texas recipes :)!

Yank In Texas said...

I haven't been watching top chef sadly. i've recorded it though and plan to watch soon.
Katie Lee Joel really should not ever host a show again. Ever.

And heee.