Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tis the season for spending $$$

Yep, tis the season for that. I’ve done about half of mine so far. The big Christmas present for me and the boy is the truck. It was going to be a present anyway, it was just going to occur closer to Christmas but oh well. I still got him something else. He’s so hard to shop for as his hobbies are so specialized, you sort of have to know stuff about it to buy stuff. Plants and records. I can’t just get any plants and any record. If I come across certain ones, sure, I know about those, but other stuff? No clue. And when I ask him, he says, oh you just know. Like that helps. So I hit upon something that hopefully will work, a car converter for his Ipod. This will make things easier, as instead of carrying the cd case around, he can just use all the songs he has loaded onto his Ipod. It is a 30G one, so it holds a hell of a lot.
I also just discovered a game store in North Austin that sells older video games. We have an original Nintendo set and the boy loves to play games all the time. I think I may just go and get a few games for him. (He doesn’t read this so I know I’m ok blogging her about it.)
I bought stuff for my mom during the Day after Turkey Day crazy sales. She’s easy. My aunt will be getting kitchen towels and such as she may be finally moving into her own little spot. (As long as all that fun goes ok. Aunt is mentally handicapped and has always lived with my grandmother and now my parents. This will be a change.) Bro is the standard gift card, as that’s all he wants, and then there’s Dad. Mom doesn’t even know what to get dad usually. So we talk for weeks and then she tells me what to get him. It works pretty well.
This year Dad is getting a wooden banana holder. Yeah. That’s all my mom could come up with. He has no hobbies really and he’s retired. So urgh. I’m getting him some good Texas jerky so that will be something different too but still. Dad does have a weird thing for banana holders.
I should get something for the boy’s parents too, and the boy’s brother, but I leave that to the Boy, as he does better with that most times. Then again, he has no clue about his parents either. Also, boy’s brother likes a lot of the same stuff as the boy so… I have enlisted his help tons of times for stuff. Maybe I’ll ask him again this year.
We realized last night that we have a few more people to buy for. There’s our friends P&C and their son. Sigh. And the boy’s grandmother. And his great-uncle’s widow. Oi. So many people and not nearly enough $$ for this. What to buy them? We have no idea.
And then there’s Christmas cards. I really should send them out this year. Really. I say that every year but I never get around to it. I need to though.
So all you who made it through this post and all that, email me your address so I can send a card out. It might make it by whatever holiday you celebrate and if not, just think of it as an all-encompassing Holiday card. Yeah, that’s it.


MLE said...

Does your dad like wine or hard liquor? You could get him a nice bottle of something, or some sort of accessory like a fancy wine bottle opener.

Cilicious said...

Yank, it is also possible to get old-school games off the internet, my kid has been doing this. Are you talking about really old games, like Zelda? He's been entranced with that game lately.
That car converter for the Ipod is a great idea, those things really come in handy.
Maybe you can give some food items as presents for the extended folks.
Homemade fudge is inexpensive and easy to make and tastes great.

Yank In Texas said...

Yeah, I'm talking old-school. The boy is totally thinking about getting the Wii just for the new Zelda. It's a thing.
But I found a store that sells the fames and all.
Dad likes wine, but cheap wine. So no wine openers. Hard liquor is nice but it's not shippable really. Ah well. I'll figure it out or so.