Monday, March 26, 2007

Fluff n Stuff

I haven’t been sleeping very well lately, but that’s no surprise. I can’t figure it out. I can fall asleep easily but I can’t stay that way. I tend to wake up at least once or twice a night and if it’s around 3am, I can’t get back to sleep. My body just won’t calm back down. It really sucks. I exercise regularly so that’s not it. I’ve been trying to eat well and I don’t eat after 7:30-8 pm if I can help it. I’ve tried a sleeping pill before, but that just made me feel horrible and it still didn’t stop me from waking up in the middle of the night. So I guess I just need to get used to this not sleeping feeling. I wish I could fix it but I don’t know how.

We went out this weekend so that didn’t help. Friends came up from Houston and we partied Saturday night down on Sixth St. We started out in the Warehouse district on 4th St, which I like, but of course we eventually migrated over to 6th with all the college students and the crowds of crazy, drunk people, with which we blended right in. I haven’t been drunk in a while so that was interesting. We were up until 6am and I only slept till about 9:30. Between my body saying it’s my wake-up time and the girls (well Gabby) standing on top of me and meowing in my face, I had to get up. I felt awful all day long, and it really wasn’t even a hangover. It was a tired-over.

The girls are now officially indoor-outdoor cats. We bought a screen door and installed it on the back laundry room door and the Boy installed the pet flap. They are so happy about the ability to go outside. Right now, they tend to stay in the back yard. Plus there are dogs at the house behind us and next to us, and they are terrified of them, even though the barks are WAY worse than their bites. Every time a dog comes out they run back inside. It’s pretty comical.

For some reason, they both like to stand half in, half out of the flap, as if they can’t decide whether they want in or out. They usually do this when there are birds strutting around the yard and they don’t know quite what to do about it. It’s crazy. They run right back in when one of us comes home or opens the fridge. Actually, they are usually lounging around inside when I come home but when I shut the door (don’t do nights during the week, it’s now a weekend privilege) they go beserk. If I open the door again, they go out, only to come back in and stay in 5 minutes later. They just want the option of being able to go out. Little brats. And they still have to come in to use the litter box. No going outside for them, which is actually good for us.

Gabby is a tree climber though. We have a lowquat (like a kumquat) tree in our yard and it’s not very tall. The first time that we let Gabby out, she headed right for the tree. Next thing I know, the tree was moving and I saw a tail hanging out and Pumpkin was underneath looking up. She didn’t go very high that time and managed to get down pretty easily. The next time she went up, she went a little too high for her comfort and started crying a bit. She didn’t want me grabbing her though, she just needed to be talked down. Silly kitten.

It’s pouring outside right now and the roof leaks at work. One of the ceiling tiles over my desk got too wet and collapsed so I have a hole over my desk. At night I have to cover my computer in plastic and there’s a bucket on my desk behind my computer to catch the drips. The roof is being fixed but it hasn’t been dry enough to do anything, much less the quick tar fix. So there are leaks all around the building. It’s pretty bad. I just can’t get away from structural problems.

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