Thursday, September 11, 2008


It started out like any other day. I had moved to Sterling, VA a few months ago. Our apt complex was in the flight path of several planes from Dulles, a mere 15 minutes away. I was temping at a company that designed flight simulators. It was just another day to make money.
Then chaos. I first found about it when the boy called and told me to check the internet or find a tv. One of the Towers had been hit. I couldn't believe it but when I FINALLY got on the net, there it was. The internet was impossibly clogged and slow and it was next to impossible to make a call. I was right by Dulles, so everyone was freaking out. It took me an hour to reach my parents to let them know I was ok.
No one knew for sure what was going on. Rumors were flying- were there more planes? One hijacked plane was supposed to be in the area heading towards DC. We all rushed out because rumor had it wad from Dulles.
Then we heard about the second tower. And the Pentagon. We couldn't believe the Pentagon got hit. And then I saw the video of the towers falling. It was surreal. No one really could believe it. They wouldn't let us go home because no one I worked with thought it was important. Oh how that changed the next day when the FBI swarmed the place, looking for info on flight simulators.
One of my friends lived across 395 from the Pentagon. I went to his apartment the next evening and just stared in shock at the smoke and the gaping hole. It was just surreal.
And then the silence. The awful silence of no planes. Living under flight paths you got used to the noise of the jets. And then nothing. It wasn't right.

1 comment:

Crafty Mama said...

I was working in Waltham as a property manager. People kept coming to my office asking if I had a TV. I finally went to a resident's apartment and saw the horrific damage and people running. I had a doctor's appointment that day, but wasn't sure if I should go. I ended up going, and when I left, the streets were absolutely empty and all of the radio stations had picked up the broadcast. When I got home to my apartment in Norwood, it was all over the TV. Brian and I decided to get pizza for dinner. The pizza place was next to a TJ Maxx, which was closed. TJ Maxx in Framingham had had several employees on their way to California for a meeting on one of the planes. For days afterwards, everyone around was in a daze, a total loss. The world had changed, and it would never be the same way again.